Welcome to Passgen AI website’s ftc affiliate disclosure page.

Passgen AI (referred to as “we,” “us,” or “our”) is a website that offers a password generator tool free of cost.

We strive to provide our users with a convenient and secure tool to generate strong passwords.

In order to support the maintenance and development of our tool, we may participate in various advertising and marketing programs, including AdSense and affiliate marketing.

FTC Affiliate Disclosure At Passgen AI

Here, we would like to disclose our participation in these programs and explain how they may affect our website’s content and functionality.

AdSense Ads

Passgen AI utilizes Google AdSense, an advertising service provided by Google, to display third-party advertisements on our website.

These ads are generated and controlled by Google, and we do not have direct control over the specific content displayed. AdSense ads may be presented in the form of text, images, or other media formats.

Please note that we have implemented mechanisms to ensure that the advertisements shown on our website are relevant to our users’ interests and aligned with our content.

However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or safety of the products or services promoted through these advertisements.

Therefore, any interactions or transactions you engage in with the advertisers are solely your responsibility, and we encourage you to exercise caution and review the terms and privacy policies of the respective advertisers.

Affiliate Marketing

Passgen AI may engage in affiliate marketing, which involves partnering with external companies and promoting their products or services through affiliate links.

When you click on an affiliate link on our website and make a purchase or perform a specific action, we may earn a commission or receive other forms of compensation.

It is important to understand that our participation in affiliate marketing programs does not affect the price you pay for the products or services you purchase.

The commissions we earn serve as a means to support the operation and maintenance of Passgen AI without additional cost to you.

We prioritize transparency and integrity in our affiliate marketing practices.

We only promote products or services that we believe are beneficial to our users and relevant to our website’s purpose.

However, it is essential to note that we do not have direct control over the quality, reliability, or accuracy of the products or services offered by the affiliate partners.

Therefore, any transactions or interactions with the affiliate partners are solely your responsibility, and we recommend reviewing their terms and privacy policies before engaging in any activities.

User Privacy

At Passgen AI, we value your privacy and take appropriate measures to protect your personal information. Our data collection and usage practices are governed by our Privacy Policy, which outlines how we handle and safeguard your data.

The advertising and affiliate marketing programs we participate in do not grant us access to your personal information unless you voluntarily provide it.

By using Passgen AI, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy, which can be found on our website.

Conclusion On FTC Affiliate Disclosure

Passgen AI is committed to providing a valuable and secure password generator tool to our users.

We participate in advertising and affiliate marketing programs to sustain the development and maintenance of our services.

And, we encourage you to exercise your own judgment and discretion when engaging with the advertisers and affiliate partners, as we cannot be held responsible for their products, services, or actions.

Your use of our website constitutes your understanding and acceptance of the terms outlined in this FTC Affiliate Disclosure.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclosure or any other matter, please feel free to contact us using the information provided on our website.